eForms Basic Setup

eForms Basic Setup

eForms Basic Setup

You will need project admin rights at the least to access the forms builder. 

Forms Dashboard

Select the project and click on the configuration drop-down at the top. Forms is the 3rd from the top.

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When you click on Forms you’ll be brought to the dashboard. The three tabs are ‘Structured Forms’, ‘Web Forms’, ‘Web Processes’, and ‘Forms Portal Categories’. Click on ‘Web Forms’ and click on ‘Add’ on the upper right. To review the other tabs – Please follow the link https://help.uplandsoftware.com/filebound/8.0/server/en/admin/forms/forms-overview.htm 

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The forms builder requires from initial configuration. You create the name – in version 8.0.1 you can upload an exiting HTML form. Select the form type.

    Submission - allow users to provide new information on the form that can be used to create a new file in FileBound. Submission forms can be created only in HTML and PDF formats. Submission forms are not available in the Viewers or generated in a workflow process.

    View/Edit - View/Edit forms are tied to web submission forms and allow users to only view and edit information available on the submitted form. Users are able to update and add new information to the form when it is displayed in a viewer. View/Edit forms can be created in HTML, MS Word, PDF, and MS Excel formats. These forms are available in the viewers and in workflow processes.

    Success Page – The Success Page will show after an Eform has been submitted. You can add links to other forms or redirect them back to the Forms Portal.

    Control Form  (in version 8 only) A Control Form provides you with an easy way to create a parent/child form relationship. The Control Form serves as the parent form, and form link controls are added for each child form selected during the configuration. All linked forms must be opened and completed or the user will not be able to submit the control form.

Select the Layout

    Regular – static, will not fit to screen size

    Responsive – will fit to screen size

The next step you can choose a blank form to create custom from by using the tools from the left or you can choose from an existing template.

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In this guide, I will show a blank form.

On the left are a variety of tools you can drag-and-drop onto the grid. You can change the text value, colors, size, and borders.

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This defaults to the ‘Design’ View. If you switch over to the ‘HTML View’, you can see how each of these elements are a block of HTML and the HTML can be edited for further customization that isn’t out of the box.

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Input fields can be added and mapped to index fields within a project, so when the form is submitted the data is populated within those index fields.

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You can configure validation and set up conditions to show or hide fields depending on the value of other fields.

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A button is required to ‘submit’ the eForm. You’ll set the button type to ‘Save’ for this. Otherwise there are some other out-of-the-box functionality the button types provide such as printing, resetting the form to clear out any data, or (in version 8 only) save a draft of the form without submitting it.

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Once done with creating the form, at the top you can preview how the form will look on the Forms Portal. Click on ‘Web Preview’ which will open up a new tab. You can type in data and click submit to test validation and form behavior. Click on ‘Save’ on the left if you want to keep the progress you’ve made but don’t want it accessible yet. Click on ‘Publish’ if you’re done making changes.

Another important configuration screen is the ‘Form Settings’. Under the General tab, you can modify whether or not the form itself can be edited once submitted, send down a workflow automatically, if the document will merge with existing files, which divider to save it under and other permissions for the form. If you want the forms viewable from within the FileBound site, you can add it to the Forms Menu. Otherwise if you want it only accessible by Forms Portal, you’ll configure it under the ‘Portal’ tab.

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In the ‘Portal’ tab, check the ‘Enable for Portal’ checkbox to show some additional configuration. The categories refer to the projects and the security mode is how users can access the forms. They can be public, or secured with a code/login, or (in version 8 only) anonymous.

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The ‘Success Page’ tab is for configuring what will show after a form has been submitted. There is a default success page or you can create your own and choose it from here.

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The ‘Rules’ tab shows any conditions set on the fields within the form.

The ‘Lookups’ tab allow to lookup and fill out the input fields with data after filling out one field. An example would be a student typing in their student id and their name and majors are filled out for them. Any fields that are set up to populate data become disabled and cannot be edited.

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Be sure to save and publish your forms when done. To configure the Forms Portal itself, go to the ‘Portals’ tab under ‘Main Options’.

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You can name the portal, add a description for users to give directions, set allowed ‘Categories’ and chose which projects are enabled for Forms Portal.

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Under ‘General Settings’ in the ‘Main Options’, a Global Form User will need to be set. The Global Form User is the user account that is used by the system to create this new file and document. If the selected Global Form User does not have the proper rights to add a new file or document, the submission process will be unsuccessful. This is how you can allow external form submissions for some projects, and not others.

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Once everything is configured, you can go to the Forms Portal by adding ‘portal’ to the end of the root URL and you’ll see the forms by category.

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Please reach out to support@westint.com for questions or for a demo.

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